Nothing to Say

I really want to fiddle with my new blog. But I can’t think of anything to say. LOL!

I also want to find the best way to handle photos. I’m not loving the idea of uploading everything to Flickr, and I don’t want the hassle of resizing everytime I want to post oa photo. Maybe Smugmug??

SchoolworkThis is DD hard at work doing school. I’ve been trying to keep her computer time to a minimum, but she has both TOG chats, Write at Home, and Algebra 2 that need the computer at least part of the time.

Reading Books

Here is DS in his favorite place; in front of his bookcase surrounded by books! For a little guy, he sure gets into them. He looks at the photos and babbles on to himself in his toddler language. Sometimes he will even laugh or cry depending on what the characters in the book are doing.

2 thoughts on “Nothing to Say

  1. De'Etta

    I really, really like the books at the top of your blog. Do you have many template choices with wordpress? The other wordpress blog I read is very difficult for me to comment on but this is easy. Maybe something to consider……though my plate is full now trying to simply “maintain” no time to play with new things, yet. LOL

  2. Template choices: They have 40 templates to choose from. Many of them are kinda skinny, which I don’t really like. I picked this one, then found out you can do really cool stuff with it.

    The picture up there came with the blog, but you can change it whenever you like in the dashboard. You can also have several “pages.” If you look above the photo you will see it says “home” and “about.” You can click on them to be taken to a different page in the blog. You can add more pages in the dashboard.

    It took me about 30 – 45 minutes of fooling around with the settings to figure it out and find all the cool features. For instance, WordPress tracks your hits for you. How many visits total and by day. It doesn’t have a map, but it does tell you where they came from. For example, I can see that several people have clicked on my siggy in my SHS emails.

    My only “complaint” is that adding photos is a little more complicated. However, I’m kinda picky about not having huge, full sized photos available. With WordPress you can decided if your pix are clickable or not, and choose to use thumbnails if you don’t want the full size photo on your blog. That does help it load faster.

    So for me, I have to make sure and resize the photos I want to use. It’s not that big a deal, but it would be nice to have that option in WP like they have in Blogger.

    I haven’t figured out how to add extra stuff, like your military bear. But if you think you might be interested in WP, I could fool around with the sidebar and see if I can do it.

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