Valentines on the Cheap

One thing I love about having a little one around the house again, is that it gives me the perfect excuse for arts ‘n crafts. *grin* I used to looooove doing crafty projects with DD when she was little, and now I get to do them all over again!

I’ve been hunting around the ‘net to find fun and easy ideas to do with a 2yr old. I thought I would share them with you too. Most, if not all, could be used with much older kids than mine. (PS – if you know of anything fun for TEENS, please let me know! The older she gets, the harder it is to find things for us to work on together as a family.)

Family Fun – I have loved this magazine and website since DD was small.

Coloring Castle – I’m using a couple of the coloring sheets you can find here to decorate the house. Specifically, the large heart, and the conversation hearts. I’ve printed off several copies of each on red and white paper, cut them out, and hung them in the living room as decoration.

DS and I also made a paper chain using the red and white paper. We used a stapler, but it probably would have been safer to use tape. Safer for me, that is. I actually managed to staple my finger halfway through making the chain. *doh!*

Crayon Shaving Hearts – I love this idea! I remember doing projects like this when I was a kid. This would be great for any holiday really, just cut out the shape to match whatever you’re celebrating. The only thing keeping me from doing this project is I’m missing one very important tool. (whispering: we don’t have an iron)

Heart in Hand Valentine – This is a cute idea from Enchanted Learning. I especially like the additional tip of having the hand make the ASL sign for “I love you.” How cute is that?! We taught DS to use sign as a baby, and we use this sign all the time around the house. Make sure to check out the rest of their site for more great ideas.

Painted Heart Hands – I tried doing this with DS already, although they came out with mixed results. You paint your child’s hands, and then press them down on paper one by one at an angle, overlapping the finger tips. It’s supposed to make a heart shape. Um….let’s just say that Mommy is going to have to do some creative cutting around these paint blobs. lol….

I did find a cute poem to include with them though:

“This isn’t just any handprint as you can plainly see.
For it is a special handprint
Made just by Me!
Along with this handprint
I send lots of hugs and kisses your way.
And give you best wishes
On this Valentines Day!”

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